1 - Points - SW1 - EvidenceMorality(35-65%)
We'll use this dropbox for SW1.
2 - Position Paper #1: What We Owe Strangers(15-25%)
This paper invites students to articulate a position on justice and beneficence in relation to strangers.
3 - Position Paper #2: FW, MR and Punishment(20-30%)
This paper comes at the end of the course. We may use rough draft peer review, instead of peer review and scoring.
Book or Movie Group(5-10%)
You may read a book or view an ethically themed movie on your own or with other students on a topic related to ethics and journal about it, usually 2-3 pages. The percentage weight is 5% for one movie and 10% if you have more than one movie. You are, of course, welcome to watch movies with others in the class! No need for anonymity on this assignment. Just attach it to an email to me.
Class Presentation or Co-teaching(5%)
You may offer a class presentation on a relevant topic of your choice, or you may join me in presenting scheduled material from a class of your choice. In either case, you should meet with me prior to the presentation.
Critical Analysis Paper(15-25%)
This paper invites an analysis (thesis driven and argued) of a theoretical or applied problem in ethics. It should be 4-6 pages. Further instructions about the topic will be given in class. Submit with pseudonyms.
Journal entries allow informal reflection on topics related to course material. Each entry should be 600-800 words. Journals must be completed by about Thanksgiving. (3 entries for 5% or 6 for 10%)/ No need for anonymity on this assignment. Important: Turn journals by email (just add to the body of the email) one at a time and wait for my reply. This allows more of an exchange.
Short Research Paper(5-15%)
This short research assignment allows you to look into a course question or topic of interest to you. The length and weight are determined by your question. Typically, this paper is 3-5 pages and can be informative or argued. No need for anonymity on this assignment.